
Friday 22 April 2011

Only One -- NaPoWriMo 12

This was inspired by today's prompt at Poetic Asides to write a poem about "The Only One.." I have four only ones and here is a tribute to them. For more on these lives in my life, you can go here, here and here. I will also be posting this poem at Writers Island.

Only One

The Lady of the House
Only you can square your shoulders,
step bravely in front of me,
defending me from the threat that
I haven't the sense to perceive
and yet
nervously circumnavigate
the harmless manhole covers on the street!

Only you can give me
the "Make Me!" look
when I call you in too early
and yet
unbidden, sidle up to me,
matching my stride pace-for-pace
through unfamiliar woods.

Only you can splatter rain puddles
and snow melt, studying the
Lord & Master, Resident Hydrologist
flitting patterns of sunlight
for hours on end
and yet
act like it's bloody murder when I try
to wipe you down with a damp cloth!

Only you can wake me
in the dead of night
insistent that I feed you,
right this instant
and yet
forget hunger for hours
teaching me to play with a string!

Only you can make me shudder with
every thunder, making me wonder
Class Clown and 'fraidy Cat! Look I can sit on people!
if you are safe and not fearful
and yet,
saunter up and down
a steep, slick, rain washed cliff
like it were nothing!

Only you can try to melt me
with your eyes, trying to pour
your essence into me,
so I can take you everywhere I go
and yet
can't stand the heat of my closeness
when you know I am not leaving!

Only you can be unfazed by
cancer and surgery and the
I have to go out and meditate!
ensuing limp
and yet
need an emergency medical visit
in the middle of a raging blizzard
because I would not let you out
on a bone chilling winter's day!

Only you can be trained
to sleep with your head on my arm,
body parallel to mine, like a human child
and yet
refuse to learn your own name!

Only you four!
Only you can love me the way you do
Wordlessly, but in a thousand languages!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


  1."'s Day 22 prompt at Poetic Asides was to write of something or someone that is one of a kind...
    You have vividly described four such one-of-a- kinds .....but it is you gentle poet is shines as the one of a kind able to see, love and be loved by all the creatures and contradictions that surround you! Bravo!

  2. Dr. PKP, thank you so much for saying that. It's a nice thought, with which to call it a night!

  3. Really touching poetry. An Ode to your four long-time friends. I greatly enjoyed it as I happen to know them very intimately, and they love me too in their own different ways. I pray for their good health.

  4. Really touching poetry. An Ode to your four long-time friends. I greatly enjoyed it as I happen to know them very intimately, and they love me too in their own different ways. I pray for their good health.
