
Saturday 23 April 2011

Letting Go - NaPoWriMo 13

Today's prompt at the Poetic Asides is to write a "quit doing what I am doing" poem. As usual, I will also be posting this at Writers Island.

Letting Go
I need to let go,
unclench my fingers
clinging on to the exposed
under-roots on the river bank.

I need to drift like
a bright yellow leaf 
and explore the curves 
and dips of the stream

I need to bounce off 
of the boulders,
rub shoulders with flotsam 
and negotiate bits of
left over debris from 
old broken boats

I need to feel the sun
on my face, to battle 
the rain that tries to drown me.

I need to quit holding on 
to the tail ends of old 
I need to take the plunge.

I need to live again.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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  1. Very nice - I like the surge toward escape.

  2. I like how in the first three stanzas you keep the action grounded in a physical object connected with the water. I like those visuals and the messages connected with them.

  3. @Tumblewords: Thank you.
    @Mr. Walker: Your comments are always so perceptive. It's interesting how much one can learn when we see our work through someone else's eyes! Thank you.

  4. I like how in the first three stanzas you keep the action grounded in a physical object connected with the water. I like those visuals and the messages connected with them.
