
Thursday 21 April 2011

You Intoxicate Me --- NaPoWriMo 11

This is in response to the Two for Tuesday prompt at Poetic Asides. The challenge is to write a love poem and an anti-love poem. This is the love poem. I will also post this at Writer's Island.

You Intoxicate Me! (The Love Poem)

I did not ask to love you.
I was just lounging around in the grass
Living my everyday life,
When your scent wafted in,
Extremely intoxicating.
Like a vampire at the scent of a human 
I gravitate towards you
Obeying some unknown dictat of my cells

You intoxicate me and I sink my tooth
Into your juicy foot.
You shriek in horror and
Wrench me away with a pair of tweezers.
You do not believe in inter-species love.
I am just a lowly arachnid to you!
To you, I am just a tick!

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  1. Great take on the prompt, Agnaji. I love the humor and the "I'm just a tick"ness of it all! Amy

  2. ha-ha!
    In a parasite paradise adherence may be taken for love and mutual blood letting results !!

  3. @Amy: Thanks, yes, poor little tick thingie! I loved your cobalt blue bottle.
    @Magiceye: Thanks
    @Varsha: mutual blood letting indeed! :)

  4. That was good :) Loved by a lowly tick!
