
Saturday 3 September 2011

Bird Bath 2 -- in Pics

Irene has left me powerless and flooded -- literally. This means that almost nothing is getting done on the creativity front. I did manage to smash the umbrella stand and another broken pot to get some tile fragments for the second dish antenna bird bath. Here are a few pics.

Dry fitting some designs
Glued some tiles in:

Since I am way behind on my Halloween prep, this project will be shelved temporarily until I make some headway on the Halloween front.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


  1. Oh thanks for Disqs !!
    And this Irene is such a Spoilsport . Your designs remind me of Nek Chand -he built a Rock Graden in Chandigarh.

  2. I vaguely remember reading about him somewhere. Went and checked "his" webpage. I can't claim to be like him though :)
