
Sunday 28 April 2013

Grain Free Egg Rancheros/Burritos -- A quick recipe for when eggs get boring

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So I am bored of eggs. Bored. Bored. Bored. But, the other day I was at work very early and had no time for home made breakfast so I had to buy something quick. The only thing on the menu that had any protein for an ovo-vegetarian was the egg ranchero. So, I went ahead and ordered it (without cheese). It basically had an omelette-esque thing inside a large pita bread, smothered with refried beans and regular tomato salsa. I ditched most of the bread and ate the rest.

So here's my version, without the bread.

The Ingredients
  • 2 eggs
  • rosemary
  • butter for "frying"
  • black bean hummus -- preferably some mexican flavor
  • home made salsa: (tomatoes, green chillies, cilantro, chopped up)
The Method
  • Beat the eggs lightly
  • Add crushed rosemary if using dry or just add the leaves, if using fresh
  • Heat a pan, add a little butter 
  • When butter melts, pour the beaten egg mixture
  • Cook like an omelete on both sides
  • Remove from pan when done
  • Plate it and spread some black bean hummus one one half of the omelete
  • Sprinkle a liberal hand of homemade salsa on the hummus
  • Wrap the other half (where you did not spread the hummus) over this
  • Eat like a burrito
  • You can use other hummus types: chickpeas, edamame, etc
  • I used chickpeas, chipotle hummus this am. Came out great!

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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