
Friday 17 August 2012

Italian Inspired Black Bean, Cauliflower Casserole


3 cups cooked black beans
1 egg (skip if you don't eat eggs)
1.5 cups pepper jack cheese
1 whole cauliflower
Basil (fresh if possible)
4 pods of garlic
chili flakes (crushed red peppers)
pepper -- whole and crushed
1/4 to 1/2 cup butter

What to do with the stuff:

Preheat the oven to 350 F
Blanch the cauliflower in a little water with a little salt. Make sure not to over cook it.
Break and egg and mix it in with the cauliflower and the black beans
Add the shredded pepper jack cheese
Crush some rosemary (releases the fragrance)
Add some salt and crushed pepper and chili flakes and mix it all up in a big bowl

In a pan, add some butter and add whole pepper corns to it. Let it pop (smells awesome!) Then add in the chopped garlic and some basil and saute until the garlic is sort of roasted

Add this into the rest of the stuff and mix it up.

Grease a couple of oven safe dishes and add this mixture in each.

Bake for 20 minutes and its done.

Unfortunately, we were too hungry to bother with pics of the finished product!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Follow Me on Pinterest


  1. I totally understand that !! I am that way too :)
    will try this and report : but can I use feta or some such thing with black rajma ?

  2. No experience with baking feta, Varsha. Let me know how it goes! And black rajma? Never heard of it. Does it have a better protein: carb ratio?
