
Friday 6 July 2012

Color, Color, what Color do you Choose: Accent Wall

Not child's play, this business of choosing colors! What do you do when you cannot make up your mind on what color to make your accent wall? You don't. You don't pick, that is. You just use them all! How? Well, color block accent wall, of course! So in the end, I used:
Behr's Amphibian
Behr's Dark Ash and
Behr's Summer Heat
for the accent colors.

Once the colors were decided, I set out to block off my wall. I told myself that I will not do symmetry and order. I will make random block sizes. Then I did this.
The yellow on the right wall is NOT accurate. The real thing is a lot subtler.

Symmetry! Order!
The only asymmetric thing about this scheme is that the wall space to the right of the window is larger than the one to the left. These are the kind of surprises an old house throws at you. So now I have asymmetry forced on me.  Oh and BTW, ignore the weird yellowness of the right hand side, the iPhone camera is not that good!

While I was doing all of this blocking, DH started to rip the carpet off the floor, to reveal, as promised, a hardwood floor. PS: the real wall color is closer to the one in this picture.

This shot was taken with natural white light streaming through the sun tunnel. The wall color is closest to the real thing!
Here is a close-up shot of the left side of the window. The color in the top left corner is Dark Ash, the one next to it is Amphibian. The one directly below, is of course, Summer Heat.

As I peeled off the painter's tape, I stuck them on the nearest wall.
Now this gives me an inspiration for a wall-art sculpture. The only question is how to get these natural rolls? I think I have the rudiments of an idea forming.

The discarded painters tape fragments create a visually interesting piece

Here is the full wall before the painting is complete.

And finally, here is the full thing.

A close-up shot of the right hand side wall.

And here is the gorgeous floor. Isn't she looovvely?

And since I can't seem to get enough of it. Here is one more shot of the right hand side wall. The radiator cover will cover some of the white near it.

I have a few more things up my sleeve for this room. Stay tuned if you are curious.

Edit: For Part 3 of this make-over, step on over to here.

Linked this up to: House of Hepworth's.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


  1. This is so cool, I'm really impressed! :)

  2. Thanks Kinmin and welcome back!

  3. beyond impressed : you are a major do-it-yourselfer !!!

  4. HEe hee.. that I am! I have a couple of dream projects up my sleeve. Wait until you see those! :)
