
Saturday 16 April 2011

Monsoon Rains -- NaPoWRiMo 6

This poem was written to one of Big Tent Poetry's prompt of the week. This is my ode to Monsoon Rains. This poem also works for the 29th prompt at Poetic Asides.
Photo from:

Monsoon Rains

The breeze brings in the scent of freshly quenched, far away Earth, 
a promise echoed in the dark gray clouds on blue-violet skies.
Diamonds ripped from their silver-gold setting
flung at the feet of the Earth,
crowning her with a thousand tiaras.

The Earth drinks to her heart's content,
healing her chapped brown skin.
The wind lashes at the lanky palms.
The ocean churns herself into a frenzy,
upturned umbrellas whip up to the heavens,
released in hasty, unintentional thank-yous.

Gaggles of giddy school girls giggle in unison,
shivering in their drenched skins.
School bags become makeshift umbrellas.
The whole world is an impressionist's canvas!
The Monsoon sings her song,
cascading in melodic destruction.

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  1. Wonderful imagery throughout. I especially liked the passion in these lines:
    "Diamonds ripped from their silver-gold setting
    flung at the feet of the Earth,
    crowning her with a thousand tiaras."

  2. Ah Rains esp Monsoon Rains are a poets delight always!!
    And a blog called Monsoon rains *NEEDED* an ode to the monsoons.

    one of my rain poems:

  3. Beautiful! I especially like "hasty, unintentional thank-yous." and "impressionist's canvas" ... while I have had more rain in Portland, Oregon than I can stand, I was happy to read your rain poem.

  4. @Kelly, Varsha and Deb: Thanks very much for your comments.
    @Kelly: I was hoping someone would notice the "thousand tiaras" bit! LOL
    @Varsha: Yes, the monsoon is such a dramatic muse. PS: I checked out your tribute to the monsoon as well. Very nice -- must never forget that even the little critters enjoy the season!
    @Deb: I hear ya! I lived in Vancouver, Canada for a few years and the song "Here comes the rain again" always makes me think of Vancouver!

  5. Agnija, I really like the second stanza, from the Earth drinking to the "unintentional thank-yous". Such great imagery.
