
Sunday 6 March 2011

Kale-mixed berries-banana smoothie

After what feels like ages I am back again with experimenting on green smoothies.
So far, I have never really tried to add Kale to my smoothies. Kale is considered to be very nutritious as well as being a very good source of calcium. The best time to get Kale is in the winter, after a good frost. So, when I recently got myself two bunches of Kale, I made a Kale and bean soup with one and the other one I dedicated to smoothies. Since this was the first time I was making this smoothie, I went cautiously here. This is what I did.


5 individual leaves of Kale. Tough part of stem/spine removed. (Wash really well, if you haven't got organic Kale, because it is believed to be high on retaining pesticide residue)
1/2 a ripe Banana
1 cup Mixed berries (blue, raspberry and blackberries)
1/2 a scoop of Whey protein powder (chocolate flavour)
1/2 a cup water
10 Almonds, washed

Blend everything and drink.

Colour: A pretty pinkish purple.
Taste: Let me just say, my husband, who would not go anywhere near anything with bananas and would have filed for divorce if he knew I was trying to feed him ground up Kale, drank more than half a tall glass, when I offered him a sip! I have not told him that it had Kale in it!

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  1. ptch. Food posts *always* require pictures. useless :P


  2. Kale a distant cousin of the cabbage. Hmm don't think it's available here :(

  3. @Anon: May be next time I make it I will click it.
    @Purba: Technically, you could try it with cabbage as well. I usually use spinach.

  4. we need a pic to believe that it really is that delicious :))
    But actually have tried home grown fresh palak in orange juice and berries is good.

  5. we need a pic to believe that it really is that delicious :))
    But actually have tried home grown fresh palak in orange juice and berries is good.
