
Friday 14 January 2011

Joined a Blog Challenge!

OK. So, I have gone and done it. I have joined a blog challenge.
I have been trying really hard not succumb to another long hiatus in my blogging life and so have been combing the web for some inspiration, some impetus, some kick in the pants that will keep me going. Then I stumbled on these challenges. There are tonnes of blog challenges out there for readers and some for writers too. While most are impractical for me, like the write a novel of 50,000 words in a month challenge that I saw somewhere, Rob Crilly's South Asia Reading Challenge seemed doable. Sort of. May be. I am going to try anyway. The basic idea is to read and review 6 books that have something to do with South Asia.

So far, my list looks like this:

1. Sister of my heart, Chitra Bannerji Divakaruni (if Barnes and Noble ever gets around to shipping it to me!)
2. The Bloodstone Papers, Glen Duncan (my review)
3. Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard, Kiran Desai (steal from sister)
4. White Tiger, Aravind Adiga (same as above)
5. Interpreter of Maladies, Jhumpa Lahiri (found that I possessed a copy!)
6. The Palace of Illusions, Chitra Bannerji Divakaruni (my review).

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